Spurring Innovation in Hearing Aid Development

Spurring Innovation in Hearing Aid Development

Hearing impairment is widespread – approximately 15% of American adults report some degree of hearing trouble.  Yet, only 4 in 10 people with moderate-to-severe hearing loss use amplification (i.e., a hearing aid). And less than 1 in 10 people with mild hearing loss use some kind of amplification*.  Clearly, there is room for improved rehabilitation […]

Advanced Composite Manufacturing is Highlighted at DMC 2016

Advanced Composite Manufacturing is Highlighted at DMC 2016

The Defense Manufacturing Conference (DMC) is a four-day gathering of top government and industry leaders and manufacturing subject matter experts. The 2016 conference agenda covered strategic directions and funding opportunities, as well as briefings on the latest innovations in support of defense manufacturing priorities.  Plenary keynotes included “Challenges of Sustaining and Modernizing the DoD/Army”, a […]