Hearing Assessment System — Creare has developed a Wireless Automated Hearing Test System to assess hearing without the need for a soundproof room or mobile trailer. The system consists of an audiometric headset and accompanying mobile device to administer the tests. The headset provides sufficient ambient noise attenuation to act as a “portable sound room”.
Compact Swaging Machine — Creare developed a compact swaging machine (CSM) for the US Navy for attaching terminals to aircraft carrier arresting cables. The CSM is much smaller and lighter than existing swaging machines, enabling its below-deck use aboard aircraft carriers. The CSM is designed to reduce workload and dramatically increase the quality of life for sailors.
Vacuum Pumps for Mars — We designed, built and qualified a pair of wide-range pumps for the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument package on the Curiosity rover. The pumps rely on a rotor spins inside a three-piece stator to push molecules out and to create a vacuum. After more than six years on the Martian surface, the rover and its scientific instrument systems continue to work successfully, greatly expanding our knowledge of the planet.
Cryogenic Machining — Creare applied its heat transfer expertise, cryogenic knowledge, and experience in machine design to devise a novel cryogenic machining approach. A small quantity of liquid nitrogen flows through the machine tool spindle and out through the cutting tool. Tests show that the process significantly outperforms standard flood coolant. The performance benefits include increased cutting speeds (2X or more), metal removal rates, and tool life. 5ME LLC now sells the system as 5ME® Cryogenic Machining Technology.
Fastener Measurement Tool — We have developed an automated Fastener Measurement Tool (FMT) to meet the exacting requirements of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program. The FMT uses a multi-line laser scanner to create a 3-D point cloud representation of the fastener and aircraft surface. Advanced data processing algorithms then calculate the fastener depth relative to the aircraft mold line. FMT measurements are faster, have greater reliability, and improved repeatability compared to previous manual inspection methods. The technology has been transitioned to our manufacturing partner, Edare Inc., for production, delivery and end-user support. The FMT is now in widespread use on the F-35 production floor.
Recuperators for Small Gas Turbines — Creare has developed a recuperator design consisting of stacks of stamped metal plates. The air flow microchannels formed between the plates enable high heat transfer performance for a very compact core. By preheating the combustion air, a recuperator can significantly reduce the engine’s specific fuel consumption.